Grand Exit!! Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew; When I bit off more than I could chew; But through it all, when there […]
Grand Exit!! Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew; When I bit off more than I could chew; But through it all, when there […]
Calmness Redefined…. I cannot begin to imagine the mental horror my Auntie’s is going through while stuck in Bombay, India. The Government of Kenya, through […]
Break the Mold They said I would never make it But I was built to break the mold The only dream that I’ve been chasing […]
Staying Afloat…… As I sat on the hard rock, looking out into the horizon, listening as the ocean waves helplessly slammed on the rocks beneath […]
ATTENTION DEFICIENCY I have had the privilege of interviewing some young men and women in a rehabilitation center for addiction in alcohol and narcotics. While […]
Self Quarantine With all the panting as I moved my things out of the UHAUL and into my new house, the chilly air I was […]